Organizations, when deciding to implement new remanufacturing processes, can face some difficulties. The table below lists the key barriers for remanufacturing.
Relationship with core supplier
Uncertainties about the quality of the used product. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Uncertainties about the quantity of the used product. [2] [3] [7] [8]
Uncertainty about when the used product will return to the remanufacturing. [1] [3]
The enterprises have a high quantity of suppliers and the selection often only considers financial issues. [1]
The company does not have a close relationship with the final customer, when he is the supplier of raw material. [4]
High cost for the used product individual returns. [9]
When the customer is the supplier, he receives few incentives to return the product. [10]
Reverse logistics issues
Excess of used products waiting to be remanufactured which increases the need for more space. [11] [10]
Geographical dispersion of the used products location. [1] [10]
Products transportation to the warehouse or the factory for remanufacturing, yet the product is not able to be reused. [1] [8]
Need to structure reverse logistics. [10] [12]
Parts that are inappropriate for remanufacturing that can hinder the access to those parts that have potential to be remanufactured. [11]
Remanufacturing operation
High cost of used product inspection. [11] [13]
Difficulty and lack of accuracy of the inspection stage. [8] [13]
Complexity and variability of the cleaning stage. [13] [14]
Difficulties in the disassembly stage mainly due to the excess of fixation points in the products. [1] [10] [13] [15] [16]
Low added value of the product and/or its parts to remanufacture. [16]
Remanufactured product selling
Low demand of remanufactured products. [1] [11] [17] [18]
Unstable demand of remanufactured products. [10] [12]
The remanufactured product can be unattractive when compared with the new one. [1]
Low customer acceptance. [15]
Customer uncertainty about the quality of the remanufactured products, making them suspicious of the purchase. [4] [1] [11] [13] [15] [17] [19]
The sales channel for remanufactured products is poorly structured and underdeveloped. [20]
Knowledge and abilities of employees
Employees and senior management often do not know about the true meaning of the word "remanufacturing". [19] [21]
The difficulty in standardizing the processes of remanufacturing due to the variability of components, parts, products and processes need employees with multiple skills. [1]
Lack of employees skills. [22] [23] [24]
Design for remanufacturing
High diversity of products making difficult to standardize the processes of remanufacturing. [22] [23] [24]
Utilization of high variety of materials. [11]
Utilization of less durable materials. [15]
Low possibility of remanufacturing of most products because of the little concern in designing for remanufacturing. [12] [15] [18] [24]
Immature technological products. [15]
Design aesthetic is much more predominant compared to functional design. [13]
Information flow on remanufacturing system
Lack of communication within the remanufacturing value chain. [23]
Information about the logic and sequence of the product assembly which could help in the disassembly stage are not available for remanufacturing actor. [10]
Information required for the remanufacturing are available late in the value chain. [1] [7]
Lack of information about the product during its use phase. [23] [25]
Little information about the benefits and quality of remanufacturing which arrives at the customer.
Lack of standards and legislation for remanufacturing. [27]