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Due to a growing concern in resources consumption and post-consumer waste generation, environmental legislation is increasingly changing its focus from end-of-pipe approaches to a life cycle perspective [1], in which the focus is in the minimization of the environmental impacts across the entire product's life-cycle, from raw material extraction and manufacturing to use and end-of-life.


In this context, remanufacturing, as well as reuse, recycling and repair, for example, is one of the strategies of end-of-life that may have its implementation encouraged in companies that need to comply with environmental laws. An example would be the application of a legislation that encourages the reverse logistics process, which requires the return of the product. Once that the product returns to the company, it can be analyzed in order to decide which is the best end-of-life strategy that can be applied. If the product still has a remaining value, then it has a remanufacturing potential. Thus, to comply with this legislation, companies may need new stakeholders to assist in the return of these products for remanufacturing, which can change its relationship with consumers or with other partners and even change the product costs. All these actions can lead to changes in their business models.


These possibilities make it important to know the influence that legislation can have on the implementation of remanufacturing. Therefore, it would be possible to analyze how and if these legislations affect the business models of a specific company that already perform remanufacturing and what difficulties are presented by these companies to comply with the legislations.

Which are the legislations?



Some examples of legislations related to the remanufacturing can be found in the table refered to below. They are specific for the European Union, Germany and Brazil.

Difficulties for the implementation of legislation


As well as for the implementation of remanufacturing, the compliance with legislation presents some difficulties.

The influences on the Business Model


Some examples of how the compliance of such legislations can influence a company's business model can are visualized following the link below. These examples are classified according to the business model dimensions.


© 2013 by BRAGECRIM

Technische Universität Berlin

Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fabrikbetrieb

Pascalstr. 8-9, 10587 Berlin


Universidade de Sao Paulo

Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos

Av. Trabalhador São-carlense, 400, Pq Arnold Schimidt
São Carlos - SP/Brasil, CEP 13566-590


Contact for Germany


Thomas Guidat:

Henry Widera:


Contact for Brazil


Ana Paula Barquet:


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